eISSN 2582 - 0559
“An Official Journal of IDA - Madras Branch”©2019.
Available online
Dr.Vandana. S
Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology,
Sri Ramachandra Dental College
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai , Tamilnadu , India.
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Artificial intelligence
(AI) has found a number of
applications in the field of medicine and dentistry with
the need for collection, documentation and computation
of vast patient data, in treatment planning and diagnosis
as well as in dental education. Though the technological
advancements including introduction of robotic surgeries
for increased precision , neural networking for diagnosis,
virtual assistants to help dentists with better treatment has
paved way for newer avenues , AI is still in the infancy
stage and cannot replace human intelligence and skill.
However , the scope of AI in various fields of dentistry
is enormous and its future aspects appears extremely
promising .
Address for correspondence:
KEYWORDS : Artificial intelligence , virtual assistants ,
dentistry , dental education
Dr.Vandana. S,
Department of Oral Pathology and
Sri Ramachandra Dental College ,
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher
Education &Research
Chennai , Tamilnadu , India.
E-mail: vandana@sriramachandra.edu.in.
: 26.7.2019
: 12.9.2019
: 27.12.2019
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 131 - 136/October - December 2019
Vandana : Artificial intelligence in Dentistry
available in the market,2 which can perform a number
of simple tasks in the dental clinic with greater
The human brain is the most complex organ of
precision, less manpower and fewer errors than
the body which controls our body’s internal functions
human counterparts.
and also integrates sensory impulses and information
to form perceptions, thoughts and memories . Inspite
of the enormous advancements in technology over
time, till date , an effective model mimicking the
human brain remains an enigma to researchers all
over the world. Constant search for this model has
led to the development of artificial intelligence
(AI) , a term coined by John McCarthy in 1956
Fixing and coordinating appointments according
to the convenience of the patient and practitioner.
and is defined as a field of science and engineering
concerned with the computational understanding of
Alerting the dental healthcare provider about any
what is commonly called intelligent behavior and
relevant medical history that the patient may have
with creation of artifacts that exhibit such behavior1.
before every appointment (eg: History of allergy
The various techniques of AI which are being applied
or use of prophylactic antibiotics in those patients
in dentistry include artificial neural networks (ANN),
who have had cardiovascular surgeries)
genetic algorithms (GA), and fuzzy logic 2. A large
Notifying the patients and dentists about checkups
amount of modern computer and technologies were
whenever any genetic or lifestyle information
inspired by Aristotles early attempts to formulate the
indicates increased susceptibility to dental
logical thinking through his syllogisms (a three part
diseases. (eg: periodontal screening for patients
deductive reasoning). Aland Turing, a young British
with diabetes and oral cancer screening for those
polymath explored the mathematical possibility of
who use any form of tobacco)
artificial intelligence and devised the Turing test to
suggest that machines can use available information
Managing documentation work and insurance
and reason to solve problems like humans3. Following
Assisting in the clinical diagnosis and treatment
its inception in 1959 when the first computational
trainable neural networks were developed, the field
of medicine and dentistry has witnessed innumerable
Setting up regular reminders for patients who are
research using AI4. These computer systems monitor
on tobacco or smoking cessation programs. etc.
the admission and treatment of patients supported
Providing emergency tele-assistance in cases of
by health care professionals, from the moment of
dental emergencies when the dental health care
setting the time and date of examination, via opening
professional cannot be contacted.
a digital patient record, patient history taking,
support in clinical diagnosis of a disease, analysis
AI software enables us to create a complete
of radiographs and laboratory procedures, assistance
virtual database for every patient, which can be
in determination and administration of appropriate
extremely detailed and accessible at the same time
5,6. The AI software can document all necessary
treatment. Advancements in technology has always
data and present it to the dentist much faster
benefitted healthcare, improved quality of patient
and more efficiently than a human counterpart.
services and served as a great tool available to
(eg: collecting all necessary dental records, extra
medical experts.
oral photographs and radiographs necessary for
diagnosing any dental condition). Adding to this,
the voice recognition and interactive interphases
enable the software to help the dentist perform
different tasks effortlessly2.
The use of AI in clinical medical and dental
practice is at an early stage of development and
Correct diagnosis is the key to a successful
still in the investigation phase. Currently, artificial
clinical practice. Adequately trained neural networks
intelligence based virtual dental assistants are
can be a boon to diagnosticians, in conditions having
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 131 - 136/October - December 2019
Vandana : Artificial intelligence in Dentistry
multifactorial etiology7 such as recurrent aphthous
In head-and-neck imaging modalities, AI provides
ulceration, where clinical diagnosis is made only on
additional leverage owing to its unique ability to
the basis of recurrence and by the exclusion of other
learn. It can be integrated with imaging systems
factors. In a study by Dar- Odeh et al in 20068, data
such as magnetic resonance imaging and cone-beam
from 86 participants were used to construct and train
computed tomography to identify minute deviations
a neural network to predict the factors appearing to
from normalcy that could have gone unnoticed by the
be related to the occurrence of recurrent aphthous
human eye. Examples include the accurate location
ulcers. When this was further tested using untrained
of landmarks on radiographs, which can assist in
data of
10 participants the results revealed most
cephalometric diagnosis2. ANN is found to act as a
accurate predictions such as gender, hemoglobin,
second opinion to locate the minor apical foramen,
serum Vitamin B12, serum ferritin, red cell folate,
thereby enhancing the accuracy of working length
salivary candidal colony count, frequency of tooth
determination by radiographs16 and in diagnosing
brushing, and the number of fruits or vegetables
proximal dental caries17. Due to the sufficient
consumed to be related to recurrent aphthous
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy it possesses , it
ulceration and appropriate for use as input data to
is believed to act as a model for vertical root fracture
construct ANNs. Hence, when trained ANNs were
detection in digital radiography18.
tested and compared with the diagnosis of a surgeon,
the results revealed high sensitivity and specificity
of ANN, thereby insisting on the importance of AI
in achieving correct interpretations and reducing
Artificial intelligence can be used as a useful
human errors3.
modality in diagnosis and treatment of lesions of
oral cavity due to its ability to screen and classify
suspicious altered mucosa undergoing premalignant
The neural networks when optimally trained
and malignant changes as even minute changes at
with respect to lower third molars are found to have
single pixel level are detected. In the field of pathology,
high specificity and sensitivity equivalent to specialist
AI can be used to scan large number of tissue sections
consultation in categorizing tooth to “gold standard”
following histochemical and histological processing
based on National Institutes of Health
to locate minor details which aids in diagnosis and
consensus development program which describes
clinical decision making. Artificial intelligence can
a well defined criteria for the removal of third
accurately predict genetic predisposition to oral
molars9. ANN can also be employed to determine
cancer in a large population19.
if extractions are necessary before orthodontic
treatment10. Additionally it can be used in classifying
The AI within the Secretary-Mimicking
patients into aggressive periodontitis and chronic
Artificial Intelligence (SMILE) system is designed
periodontitis group based on their immune response
to aid pathologists to listen to voice commands
and perform numerous supplementary tasks in the
analysis of pathological sections and in creating
semiautomatically pathological reports20. In
computerized drug prescription systems, AI improves
The neural network may help in the
system efficiency and reduces the risk of wrong drug
identification of individuals with a high risk of
choice by a physician21.
oral cancer or precancer for further investigation
or health education12. This could solve the need to
devise a method for early detection of oral cancer
which accounts for 30% of all the cancers in India13.
GAs and ANN are a promising tool for interpreting
The greatest application of artificial
the sizes of unerupted canines and premolars with
intelligence is the advent of robotic surgery where
greater accuracy in the mixed dentition period14 and
human body motion and human intelligence is
for predicting tooth surface loss, a universal problem
simulated22. Successful clinical application in image
that involves an irreversible, multifactorial, non-
guided surgery in cranial area include oral implant
carious, physiologic, pathologic, or functional loss
surgery, removal of tumor and foreign bodies, biopsy
of dental hard tissues15.
and temperomandibular joint surgery23. Comparative
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 131 - 136/October - December 2019
Vandana : Artificial intelligence in Dentistry
studies in oral implant surgery indicate significantly
as chemical stability, wear resistance, and flexural
more accuracy compared to manual freehand
procedure even if performed by experienced surgeons.
In the field of implantology and surgery, AI software
In addition no significant difference between
has helped plan surgeries to the smallest detail prior
experienced surgeon and trainees were found. Also,
to the actual surgery.
the image guidance allows more thorough surgical
resection potentially decreasing need for revision
procedures19. Overall
, the advantages reported
include shorter operation time, safer manipulation
In Orthodontics, diagnosis forms the crux
around delicate structures and higher intra-operative
of the treatment. When a proposed model was
trained to assess the craniofacial skeletal and
dental abnormalities in cephalometry followed by
Another innovative application of AI includes
comparison with an expert opinion, the agreement
“bioprinting” where living tissue and organs can be
between them was found to be equivalent. Moreover,
constructed in consecutive thin layers of cells which
the model pointed out contradictions presented in
in the future may be used for reconstruction of oral
the data that were not noticed by the Orthodontists,
hard and soft tissues lost due to pathological or
thereby emphasising the contribution of AI in
accidental reasons and robotic surgery, where robotic
Orthodontic decision support26.
surgeons perform semi-automated surgical tasks with
increasing efficiency under the guidance of an expert
In the field of Orthodontics, the software
can perform a number of analysis on radiographs
and photographs that aid in diagnosis and
treatment planning27,28. With the advent of intra-
oral scanners and cameras, the ordeal of making
In order to provide ideal esthetic prosthesis
a dental impression is also disappearing . These
for the patient , various factors like anthropological
digital impressions are not only quicker and more
, facial measurements, ethnicity and
accurate but also eliminate all the laboratory steps
patient preferences have been integrated by a design
thus drastically reducing the number of errors. With
assistant, RaPid for use in prosthodontics. RaPiD
the help of Artificial Intelligence, the computer can
integrates computer aided design, knowledge based
actually guide the dentist during the entire procedure
systems and databases , and employs a logic based
of making a digital impression and aid in making
representation as a unifying medium19. CAD/
an ideal impression29. It can also be used to provide
CAM (Computer aided design/Computer aided
orthodontic consultations to general practitioners for
manufacturing) application in dentistry is the process
the alignment of crowded lower teeth7.
by which finished dental restoration is attained
through fine milling process of ready ceramic blocks.
The CAD/CAM technologies can be used to
It is used in manufacturing of inlays, onlays, crowns
fabricate accurate orthodontic plates and appliances30.
as well as bridges. CAD/CAM technique essentially
Based on the information that is fed into the system
creates a two or three dimensional model and their
including the set algorithms and statistical analysis,
materialization by numerically controlled mechanics.
the AI software helps to predict tooth movement and
It has replaced the time consuming and laborious
final outcome of treatment too.
process of conventional casting and reducing the
human error component in final prosthesis24.
When we consider the possibility of
Apart from its role in patient care and
implementing ANN in clinical practice, it has
management in various fields of dentistry , AI can also
exhibited sufficient precision for designing and
be used in dental health education. Incorporation of
chair-side manufacturing of dental prostheses, based
AI in teaching and learning process can dramatically
on digital image acquisition following tooth cusps
improvise the way students perceive knowledge.
assessment25. It can also have a great potential in
By preparing the next generation of highly skilled
investigating the properties of dental materials such
dental experts, it will benefit educators , students as
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